November 24, 2022
Special Selection

On the way back from the park, my daughter started crying, and I called out to her, wondering if she'd let me take any more photos. When she looked my way, she wasn't the usual precocious 5-year-old girl, but a little girl. Recently, she's become more and more mature in the things she says and does, and I'm often surprised by how much she's grown up, but I was somehow happy to see my still-little daughter. When she saw me smiling while we were taking photos, she burst into tears again, and stretched out her hand for a hug. I wonder how much longer she'll be like this. Feeling happy and a little sad, I gave her a hug.
Photo and caption: Meg
Comment from Advisor
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Comment: Etsuko Aibu (Advisor of the Manazashi Photo Club)