balans lab

Chair for Lower Back Pain Prevention|balans Synergy balans lab

SKU: 150BS104A_uk

Sheet Shape:
Color: Woven pattern brown

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腰痛対策椅子 バランス シナジー

balans Synergy Features

Living with balans synergy

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Clinical tests have proven that it is effective in preventing lower back pain.

balans Synergy is designed to sway gently, and by making use of the natural human tendency to maintain balance, it helps to straighten the back and improve posture. Clinical tests have shown that it improves posture and that it is also effective for those suffering from lower back pain. balans Synergy is for those who are concerned about their posture and lower back pain.

バランス シナジー スクエア

Sitting still is a cause of lower back pain


Humans have been able to walk upright on two legs for about 6 million years, and we have evolved by walking for most of the day. However, the amount of time we spend sitting still has increased, with the average daily activity time now down to 25 minutes. In human history, DNA has never sat in a position like this for so long, and the body is not built to withstand it. The chair that solves this problem is the balans Synergy.

Chair that lets you sit like you're walking


If balans synergy were to be expressed in a single word, it would be "a chair that lets you sit like you're walking". The structure of the chair, which sways back and forth, provides a moderate stimulus to the muscles of the torso, and by awakening the sense of balance that humans naturally possess, it naturally straightens the spine. In addition, the structure of the chair allows you to feel the same sensation of the center of gravity moving in an inverted pendulum motion as when you are walking, while sitting.

Clinical tests have proven its effectiveness on the lower back.

I. Clinical test shows that it is effective in preventing lower back pain

バランス シナジーによる腰の痛みの減少

We evaluated the pain in the lower back when sitting in a chair using VAS, with 20 men and women (age 45.8 ± 1.3 years) who felt pain or discomfort in their lower back when sitting down, sitting in a balans Synergy chair and a regular chair for 3 hours each, and performing a load task (reading). The balans Synergy chair used was a square type for men and a round type for women. They sat facing the direction of the rocking back and forth. The normal chair was compared with the balans Synergy chair, which also had no backrest.

II. Test shows that it maintains correct posture, reduces fatigue, and is highly satisfactory to use.

As a result of joint research with Professor Satoshi Muraki of the Department of Human Welfare and Ergonomics, Kyushu University Graduate School of Design, it was found that balans Synergy helps users maintain correct posture, reduces fatigue, and provides a high level of satisfaction when compared to a regular chair (without a backrest).

バランス シナジーによる姿勢の変化

In the case of a normal chair, the angle of the neck increased and the body leaned forward after 10 minutes of use, but with balans Synergy, there was no change in the angle of the neck, hip joint angle, or distance between the shoulders and hips, and it was found that the correct posture was maintained.

バランス シナジーによる全身疲労感の減少
バランス シナジーによる局所疲労感の減少
バランス シナジーと通常の椅子との使用満足度

Reliable 10-year warranty on the wood

Only high-quality beech wood is used

The beechwood used for the legs is from Germany, where the moisture content is consistent. Since the moisture content of molded plywood is not consistent, it can cause deformation, etc., balans Synergy is made using only materials that can be used with peace of mind over the long term. For this reason, we offer a 10-year warranty on the wood. If the wood cracks or deforms within 10 years, we will repair or replace it free of charge.

腰痛対策椅子 バランス シナジーの木部

Made in Japan

腰痛対策椅子 バランス シナジーの職人の写真

The Artistry of Mino and Hida Craftspeople

balans Synergy is made in Hida Takayama, Gifu Prefecture, which boasts some of the best woodworking techniques in Japan. The delicate processing and high precision of this product are world-class. You can feel the high quality of this product through the first touch of your hand.

\ Other videos of craftspeople are also available to view. /

*The balans Easy and balans Synergy are manufactured in the same factory.

Voices from experts

腰痛対策椅子 バランス シナジーの医師による評価

It is important to understand how to sit up straight and move your body

One of the features of balans Synergy is that it has no backrest. Without a backrest, the body will search for its center of gravity and try to balance itself, which will lead you to discover your “correct posture” and “how to use your body” that you were previously unaware of. These two things are the starting line for health and the most important points.

Leading to lower back pain prevention

By repeating the on-off exercise of the inner muscles (postural stabilizing and adjusting muscles deep within the body), you can establish a “center” and understand how your body moves. Furthermore, you will be less likely to get injured in sports and in your daily life, and it will also help prevent lower back pain.

腰痛対策椅子 バランス シナジーの医師による評価 インナーマッスル

Junya Takeda
Born in Shimane Prefecture. Graduated from Fukuoka University School of Medicine. Director of the Medical Corporation Meiwakai Orthopedic Surgery Sports and Nutrition Clinic® (Daikanyama, Fukuoka), representative of Pilates Lab (Daikanyama, Fukuoka), and advisor to Stretch & Conditioning Dr. Plus®. Certified orthopedic surgeon by the Japan Medical Specialty Board, and a sports doctor certified by the Japan Sports Association.

Professor Koichiro Oka of Waseda University's
thoughts on balans Synergy

岡浩一郎教授によるバランス シナジーの評価

The “problem of sitting too much” has been frequently featured in the media in recent years. Here are the impressions of the balans Synergy chair, as used by Koichiro Oka, Professor of the School of Sport Sciences at Waseda University, a leading researcher into the problem of sitting too much.

Customer Voices

I've had lower back pain for 38 years. I stopped waking up in the middle of the night

I've had lower back pain for 38 years. Whenever I go to a chiropractor or osteopath, I'm always told the same thing: “Sit up straight” or “Sit up with your pelvis upright”.
I happened to stop by a home improvement store on my way for a walk, and I tried sitting on the balans Synergy that was on display there. I was impressed by how easily it allowed me to sit with my pelvis upright. I also asked a physiotherapist I know about its effectiveness, and he said it was good. After much thought, I decided to buy it. I no longer wake up in the middle of the night with a sore back.
I think that "sitting with the pelvis upright" is causing various effects. I can recommend it to people with poor muscle balance or weak inner muscles. I can also recommend it to people with a hunched back.

Kii-bo / Male *Excerpt from the official website

腰痛対策椅子 バランス シナジーの口コミ
腰痛対策椅子 バランス シナジーの口コミ
腰痛対策椅子 バランス シナジーの口コミ

balans® Concept

バランス シナジー発明者

Inventor: Hans Christian Mengshoel

When a ballerina is spinning on one leg or a person is tightrope walking, the human body naturally tries to maintain balance, so the spine naturally straightens. The balans Synergy chair makes use of this natural function of the human body to help you sit with good posture. The on-off motion in a fixed direction stimulates the core muscles and helps you maintain balance, naturally improving your posture.

Inventor: Hans Christian Mengshoel
June 3, 2019: At the Norwegian Embassy in Japan

腰痛対策椅子 バランス シナジー 商標

About the balans® Trademark

balans Lab's balans Synergy is manufactured in Japan under license from balans Management AS of Norway, which holds the international license rights for balans theory.

Features of Synergy (summary)


About the shape of the seat

バランス シナジー シートの種類

Two types of seat are available: round and square. The round seat has a smaller surface area than the square seat, and is characterized by the fact that it puts less pressure on the thighs. The square seat has a larger surface area, so it can support the body firmly and is characterized by the fact that it can disperse the weight of the body more easily.

5 different seat colors

balans Synergy color variations

The balans Synergy main unit is a simple, Norwegian-designed product that aims to be close to people's lives. The color of the fabric is an accent that creates a fun and cute atmosphere.

Woven fabric

The woven fabric comes in five colors: gray, gray pink, blue, brown and green, and is also highly compatible with the office.


Auto-return function


The seat of the balans Synergy is equipped with an auto-return function. This function automatically returns the seat to its original position, no matter which position you stand up from.
This is a self-assembly kit (takes 5 minutes).

I tried it out straight away, and I found that the force that returns when I turn my head to the side is comfortable in itself.

Also ideal for telecommuting

バランス シナジー 部屋での使用

They are being introduced one after another for telecommuting environments, and their features such as being made of wood, being compact, being light, and being good for preventing back pain are proving popular. Of course, they are not only for telecommuting, but are also being introduced in the offices of companies such as Panasonic, Toyota Motor, and Softbank, which are highly conscious of the health of their employees.

How to sit in Synergy

A standard desk is 72 cm high, but some people may find this to be too low, so we recommend using a desk that is about half your height. For more details, please refer to the Q&A.

Premium Knit Cover

balans Synergy Cover

We have prepared a special premium knit cover for balans Synergy. The knit material, which is made up of loops, is highly stretchable and can be used to gently cover the entire seat. It is also water-repellent, so it feels smooth to the touch and can be washed. It is available in seven colors. Choose your favorite to match your interior.


バランス シナジー サイズ 重さ

【Round seat】
 Width: 330mm
 Depth: 358mm
Seat height: 485-665mm
Weight: 4.8Kg

【Square Seat】
Width: 330mm
Depth: 358mm
Seat height: 485-665mm
Weight: 5Kg

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is the ideal desk height for the balans Synergy?

A. balans Synergy is a chair that encourages a sitting position called “balans sitting”, which is achieved by sitting with the angle between your thighs and stomach at approximately 120 degrees. If you are 175 cm tall and use a standard office desk (72 cm), you will find the desk to be low, so we recommend using a taller desk.

Q. Is there a specific direction for sitting on the seat?

A. The seat of balans Synergy is a saddle-shaped three-dimensional structure, and it is designed to fit the shape of the buttocks, so it has a front and back. The correct way to sit is to sit so that the tag on the seat is on the left rear.

Q. What is the difference between a round seat and a square seat?

A. The round seat has a smaller seat area than the square seat, and as it only supports the buttocks, it is less likely to put pressure on the thighs. It is a feature that women tend to prefer.
In addition, the square seat has a larger seating area than the round seat, so it can support you well and distribute your weight more easily.

Q. Is the balans Synergy also being used more in offices?

A. Yes, balans Synergy is being introduced by many companies that are highly conscious of the health of their employees, such as Panasonic, Toyota Motor Corporation, and SoftBank.


Product name balans® Synergy (with auto-return function)
Manufacturer Balans Lab Co., Ltd.
Country of manufacturing Japan
Structural component Laminated wood (beech), natural wood (beech), metal (steel)
Seat 100% polypropylene (cannot be removed), cushioning material: polyurethane foam
Surface treatment Urethane resin coating
size W330mm x D358mm
Seat height: 485-665mm

Square seat/5kg

Adaptable weight 45kg - 132kg
Pre-assembled Approx. 5 minutes (Detailed assembly instructions are also included.)
Notes 10-year free warranty on wood parts (wooden legs and wooden plywood on the underside of the seat only)
*Gas lift, cushion upholstery wear and other parts are not covered by the warranty.
About stock balans Synergy is very popular, and in the event of a large order just before your order, there may be cases where the stock runs out even after your order has been received. We ask for your understanding in advance.

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