August 31, 2022
Grand Prizeð"The Person I Like"

He hated being tied down, was an optimistic person who lived freely and doing as he pleased. I wondered whether he could become a father, but before I knew it, he had taken on the face of a father.
In the photos I take, there is him in them as much as there are my children in them. I guess I really like him (even though I don't say it).
Thank you for giving so much love and attention to our children every day.
I'm happy to be a family with you.
In the photos I take, there is him in them as much as there are my children in them. I guess I really like him (even though I don't say it).
Thank you for giving so much love and attention to our children every day.
I'm happy to be a family with you.
Photo and caption: Maiko
Comment from Advisor
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Comment: Etsuko Aibu (Advisor of the Manazashi Photo Club)