June theme: "Humidity"

I think the humidity is +2% and the temperature is +0.2℃ within a 20cm radius of my daughter. It's hot and humid, but I love it.
But it's still hot.

(There is still no sign of weaning.)

Photo and caption: Hinako @knsk_hnk/div>

Comment from Advisor

I was excited to see how everyone would capture and express the theme of "humidity." Among them, I thought this photo by Hinako was wonderful in how it expressed humidity through tone and distance. This sense of distance evokes a sense of nostalgia and stirs emotions. I also thought the way the shadows were used to express texture was wonderful. I also thought that this relaxed, at ease atmosphere is something only a mother could capture in a photo. May these humid, sweltering days continue.

Comment: Etsuko Aibu (Advisor of the Manazashi Photo Club)