May theme: "Dynamism"

There are only a limited number of days when I can take photos, so I took this photo with thoughts about how to take photos in a place with nothing around, and how I wanted to add variety to the photos I take.
When I heard that the Photo of the Month channel was starting, I was determined to take a photo with this theme, "Dynamism."

Photo and caption: Ookoshi Farm (@okoshifarm)

Comment from Advisor

The refreshing blue sky, the blur that makes you feel the movement, the grass that makes you feel the wind, the composition that makes it look like it's taking flight, and above all, the expression on the child's face, even the tips of his fingers are full of movement. This is exactly the "dynamism" that was set as the theme. This photo conveys the strong desire to "create change" in the photo, and the hope and momentum that comes with that feeling. Even in an empty place, it is possible to move people's emotions to this extent. I thought that this photo fully conveyed your theme and the feelings that you have layered on top of each other.

Comment: Etsuko Aibu (Advisor of the Manazashi Photo Club)