[About the recruitment of official Easy Writing Board ambassadors (various SNS)]

Based on our corporate philosophy of "Creating a world full of love," we manufacture and sell Norwegian functional and healthy furniture in Japan, including Balance Easy, which naturally improves your posture when you sit in it, and Balance Synergy, a chair that helps relieve back pain.
We are now accepting applications for Easy Writing Board Ambassadors.
In this ambassador program, your ambassador activities will begin after you have liked the product. If you are not satisfied with the product, you will be asked to return it within 90 days of receiving it, and the contract will be terminated.
If you like our product and start working as an ambassador, we will provide you with the product free of charge and pay you a commission based on the number of visitors and sales results, as described below.
We would like to spread awareness of our products together with those who are interested in them, so we would appreciate your consideration of participating.
1. How to join as an ambassador
2. Ambassador Activities
(1) Period
1 year (renewal available)
(2) Content of the post
You will be asked to post videos or photos of the target product on your various SNS and other media (YouTube, blogs, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) at least twice a month with a link to the URL with parameters provided by our company. In the case of posting on Instagram, you will be asked to post a story that can include the target URL.
In addition, please contact us with the URL of the social media (YouTube, blog, Twitter, etc.) where you plan to post and we will need your approval in advance.
After posting, please notify us via DM or email each time that you have posted.
We will provide you with separate information regarding hashtags and other rules for posting.
(3) Remuneration system
① We will pay 10 yen (excluding tax) for each new visitor to our website from a post with a URL with parameters. (Example: In the case of 1,000 new visitors = 1,000 x 10 yen = 10,000 yen payment)
② If a purchase is made by a new visitor via the post, 10% of the sales amount will be paid for each purchase. However, if a purchase is made via multiple ambassadors, the credit will be given to the last ambassador who passed through the post.
The data measurement period for the payment calculation basis of the above ① and ② will be 30 days, and other payment calculation basis will be calculated based on the data from Google Analytics managed by our company.
The results from the 1st to the end of each month are compiled, reported by the 15th of the following month, and paid at the end of the following month. Payments will be carried over to the following month until the total exceeds 11,000 yen (tax included), and the accumulated amount will be paid at the end of the month following the month in which the total exceeds 11,000 yen (tax included).
3. Products covered by this guide
Easy Writing Board x 1:
4.Our Media
(1) Website
Balance Chair Balance Lab (Main Store)
Balance Chair Balance Lab (Rakuten store)
(2) Instagram, Twitter, Youtube
Related products Balance Easy Instagram
Twitter by the President
5.Ambassador Program Contract Application Form
6. How to order the Easy Writing Board for free
After applying for the Ambassador Program, please order the product you want using the following method.
We will deliver the product to you free of charge. (Free shipping)
① First, add one "Easy Writing Board Official Ambassador" to your shopping cart from the URL below.
② Next, add one Easy Writing Board to your shopping cart from the URL below.
After adding the above two items to your shopping cart, please proceed to payment. For the payment method, please select "Bank Transfer" for convenience. Please rest assured that we will not charge you.
7.For other frequently asked questions, please see below.
Q: Is the Easy Writing Board provided new?
A: All products are brand new.
Q: Could you tell us about PR hashtags etc?
A: The person in charge will provide you with separate information on the content appropriate to the medium in which you plan to post.
Q: Is there a specific date and time for posting?
A: There is no particular specification.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to send us a DM or email us at info@balanslab.jp .