Special Selection: "Good Night, I Love You"

Winner of the "Suki" award in the Manazashi Photo Club's third-term photo contest
The words I've told you every day since you were born

"Goodnight, I love you."
The day you first told me

"Goodnight, I love you."
"I love you too! I love you so much!"
"Yeah, we're together."
The days when we were so happy that we both laughed

Even on the days when we had a fight and turned our backs to each other,
I don't want to forget

From now on, every day,
Good night, I love you

Photo and caption: ERI

Comment from Advisor

This smile behind the clasped hands. The look of complete security and the way the hands are clasped close together makes me feel the deep love and affection between them. The soft light also makes me feel the irreplaceable time they spent together before going to sleep.

Comment: Etsuko Aibu (Advisor of the Manazashi Photo Club)

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