October 28, 2021
Special Selection: "Bye-bye, see you later"

When we left grandma's house, we did the usual high-five through the window.
This one was taken on film.
No one's eyes are visible in the photo, but I can see the glances exchanged between the three of them.
It became a precious photo that I want to preserve for the future.
This one was taken on film.
No one's eyes are visible in the photo, but I can see the glances exchanged between the three of them.
It became a precious photo that I want to preserve for the future.
Photo and caption: @no.name_441
Comment from Advisor
I can feel the warmth of each of their hands. The high-five is so soft and gentle, and I was really moved by the atmosphere in this photo. The way the child waits for the touch is full of love and kindness. Even though they can't see each other's faces, they are looking at each other and their emotions are conveyed, making this a precious photo that I would like to keep for the future.
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