Special Selection "Hitomi"

Winner of the Manazashi Photo Club's second photo contest "Manazashi"
This kid won't even let me go to the bathroom.
Someday I'll turn my back
I wonder if one day I'll stop replying.

I wish time would stop.
I think that every day.

I need you so much.
So much
The one who looks straight at me is
I guess it's just for now.
If you think you're still a baby
It grows big in the blink of an eye.

I like to take a step back and take photos.
Since joining the Manazashi Photo Club,

More and more I started to want to take pictures from up close.
These clear eyes and soft hair
Smooth skin, small hands and feet
Because I want to remember everything.

Because time doesn't stop
I'll take some photos today too.
Everything you need to remember
To leave it for my future self.

Photo and caption: miwako

Comment from Advisor

It's sad, I want to remember it too, I want to leave everything behind. I felt like I was able to overlap my own feelings with Miwako's, and I was really moved. This may be the only time I can capture this expression from this distance. It made me want to keep taking pictures with that feeling in mind. Thank you.

Comment: Etsuko Aibu (Advisor of the Manazashi Photo Club)

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