balans lab

Board that makes it easy to stand|balans Active Board balans lab

商品番号: 170babwo-1_uk

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送料 6200円


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モトヒロ ハラダ


この度は、バランス アクティブボードをご購入頂きまして誠にありがとうございました。

Support for swelling and pain in the legs of people who work while standing

The health risks of sitting too long

The health risks of sitting too long are becoming a problem. While more and more companies are adopting a policy of standing work, it is becoming clear that standing for long periods of time is also not good for our health. The important thing is to 'move in moderation'. The balans Active Board supports standing work and telecommuting with a stable sway that does not become unstable.

Sitting for an hour reduces your life expectancy by 22 minutes.

An analysis of national survey data (*) from Australia found that people who do not watch TV at all live on average 4 years and 8 months longer than those who sit and watch TV for 6 hours a day. It is said that "sitting still for an hour reduces your life expectancy by about 22 minutes".
Reference: "Tevision viewing time and reduced life expectancy" article based on a national survey of Australians by the British Medical Journal (BJSM) (British Journal of Sports Medicine) (2011/8/15)


People all over the world are starting to stand up!

In Northern Europe, where there is a high level of health awareness in the workplace, the number of people who work while standing has increased since it was recognized that "sitting for long periods of time can have serious health effects". After being launched in Europe, the balans Active Board sold over 4,000 units in less than a year!

The number of people working while standing is increasing year by year in Silicon Valley companies. The reason for this is that it is comfortable to work in this way, and you can focus your energy on your work all day long.

Companies and educational institutions that have adopted standing work
Rakuten, CyberAgent, Tokyo University Graduate School, Tohoku University Graduate School, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Manulife Life Insurance, Audi

Japanese people sit the longest in the world

Japan, a country where people sit too long

In Japan, where people often work long hours, the health risks associated with sitting too long are becoming a problem.
Research shows that Japanese adults spend more time sitting down on weekdays than people in any other country in the world! The average for 20 countries around the world is around 5 hours, but Japanese people spend 7 hours sitting down.
Bauman AE, Ainsworth B., Sallis j, et al. The descriptive epidemiology of sitting: A 20-country comparison using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ).Am J Prev Med 2011 41: 228‐235.

The 5 risks of sitting for long periods of time

As research and studies have progressed in recent years, it has become clear that sitting too long can lead to obesity and diabetes, as well as hypertension, myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, cancer and other diseases, and increase the risk of death.

But doesn't standing all day hurt your feet?

Whether you are sitting or standing, if you remain in the same position without moving, your blood circulation will worsen, causing things like swelling in the calves and pain in the soles of the feet.

It turns out that standing for long periods of time is just as dangerous as sitting for long periods of time.

The Cornell University Human Factors team in the US has pointed out that "there is a risk of atherosclerosis of the carotid artery and varicose veins when standing still and not moving as if you were sitting down".
Reference: "Sitting and Standing at Work" by the Cornell University Human Factors team in the US (September 2011)

The important thing is 'moving moderately'

Draw out the positive effects that standing has on the body, and eliminate the negative effects! The balans Active Board was developed in Norway as a tool to help you “move moderately, without moving so much that it interrupts your concentration, and to distribute pressure and improve blood flow”.

Made with the utmost care and consideration for the user

Achieving "stable swaying" that does not become unstable

Designed to create a stable swaying motion while standing. The swaying motion is not too intense, so it won't distract you from your concentration.

Anti-slip structure

The urethane coating on the wooden parts prevents slipping with a smooth texture. The grip on the back prevents slipping with its fine bumps and grooves.

Thin and easy to store

It's only 1.2cm thick, so you can store it in even the smallest of spaces!

Selectable styles

Wooden version

The design, which originated in Northern Europe, is simple and stylish. In addition to the beautiful grain of the beech wood on the surface, it also uses a material called beech laminated wood, which is durable.

Wooden version with mat

By attaching a dedicated mat (sold separately for 2,200 yen [including tax]) to the wooden version, you can expect to reduce the burden on the soles of your feet.
The mat is designed to be used without being removed, except when it is damaged and needs to be replaced.

How to replace and install

The mat is fixed in place using Velcro (at four points).
Please note that the mat comes with instructions on how to replace and install it, as well as Velcro.


   Width: 46cm
   Depth: 32cm
   Height: 4.4cm
   Thickness: 1.2cm

Letters from our customers

I've put on a bit of weight recently... I spend all day working at a computer and don't get any exercise, so over the past year I've gradually developed a metabolic syndrome-type figure and put on 6 kg. At that time, I read an article in a magazine that said that more and more people in Europe have started working while standing up in order to improve their health, so I immediately bought a standing desk and an active board and started working while standing up.
My legs hurt when I first started working while standing, but after a week my body got used to it and I was able to continue standing comfortably using the Active Board. After a month of living like this, I had lost about 1.5kg. I guess I use more muscles than I thought when I'm standing, because my stomach area has become firmer. Since I started working while standing, it feels like exercise, so I think I'll be able to keep it up without any problems

Mr. IT, Fukuoka Prefecture, age 31

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Does the board slip when I'm rocking it?

A. The surface is coated with polyurethane, and the underside has a grip with a small uneven texture, making it difficult to slip. It can be used in offices and on hard floors, such as wooden floors.

Q. In what situations can I use it?

A. It can be used at home in the kitchen while washing dishes or watching TV, and recently it has also been introduced in progressive companies with a high awareness of health. It is also being used in conjunction with height-adjustable desks to help people avoid sitting for too long in the office environment.


商品名 balans Active Board / バランス アクティブ ボード
ブランド名 バランスラボ
製造メーカー バランスラボ株式会社
材質 木製タイプ:板表面(ブナ積層材)裏面:ポリ塩化ビニル
サイズ 木製タイプマットなし:幅46cm×奥行32cm×高さ4.4cm本体厚さ1.2cm
製造国 日本
使用方法 バランス アクティブ ボードを床に置き、上に立って作業を行います。かかとを上げ、足踏みをする要領で、ゆっくり足を動かして下さい。その際、足を上げ過ぎたり、ジャンプしたりしないようにしてください。
使用上の注意 ※屋内の平面な床の上でご使用ください。斜面や地面の上でご使用になりますと、転倒や破損の原因になります。
※バランス アクティブ ボードに乗って激しい動きを行わないようにしてください。体を動かすと転倒の恐れがあります。
マットのお手入れについて 表面の汚れは、薄めた中性洗剤をタオルに染み込ませ、ポンポンと軽くたたくように中から汚れを吸い出してください。その後、中性洗剤が残らないように、水を吸い込ませたタオルで同じく軽く叩くように拭き取ってください。


