【Important】Please be careful of illegal counterfeit products and fraudulent shopping sites

Thank you for your continued patronage.

Recently, we have confirmed the existence of counterfeit products that use our website photos and trademarks without permission, as well as fraudulent sites that use our company profile, including our location.

Please be aware that, in addition to the risk of not receiving the product after payment, there is also a possibility that your personal information, such as your credit card details, may be obtained illegally.

In addition, imitation products are different from our genuine products, and do not provide the specifications, performance, quality or safety that we provide to our customers through our products.

We are very concerned that customers who purchase counterfeit products or from fraudulent websites, which use our website photos, trademarks, company name, address, and other company information without permission, may suffer some kind of damage.

We will take legal action against counterfeiters and fraud sites that use our website photos and trademarks without permission, including cooperating with law enforcement agencies.
We would also like to ask our customers to take care not to use such malicious shopping sites by mistake, and to check the following information: “Purchasing Genuine Products”, “Differences between Counterfeit Products and Genuine Products”, “Fraudulent Sites Currently Identified”, and “Characteristics of Fraudulent Sites”.

Please note that our company cannot be held responsible for any losses or damages incurred by customers as a result of using counterfeit products on these shopping sites or fraudulent sites.
In order to avoid becoming a victim of fraud, if you suspect that you have encountered a counterfeit product or fraudulent site, please contact our company or your local police station.

「Purchasing Genuine Products」

To ensure that our customers can purchase our genuine products with peace of mind, please refer to the following URL when purchasing our products on EC sites.

[Official website]
[Rakuten store]
[Yahoo! Shopping store]
[Amazon store]

「The Difference Between Counterfeit Products and Genuine Products」

【Please check the product name】

There is a possibility that malicious counterfeiters are using and processing the photos and trademarks on our website without permission and selling them under different product names.
Please refer to the ‘product tag’ and ‘attached trademark’ to confirm the products we sell.

[(Our product introduction page) e.gClick here

【Please check the product tag】

Our genuine products are always tagged with “balans®” (trademark registration number: 5578441).
There is a possibility that the tag is different from the one in the product photo, or that there is no tag attached.

[Photo of the genuine product tag]

【Please check the affixed trademark】

Our genuine products are always affixed with a sticker on the back of the wooden frame to indicate that they are genuine products.

[Photo of the back of the wooden frame]

「Fraudulent Websites Currently Identified」

The fraudulent websites currently identified by our company are listed below.
Please be aware that the information and products of our company are posted on these websites, but they are completely unrelated to our company and should never be used.


「Characteristics of Fraudulent Websites」

Points to watch out for when shopping online (Source: Consumer Affairs Agency website)
Accessed from here
  • Items are sold at a much lower price than the price generally available.
  • Payment is only accepted by bank transfer.
  • The bank account name does not match the company name, or is in the name of an individual.
  • The URL is unnatural or does not match the URL of the EC site you are trying to purchase from.
  • The company name and phone number are not listed.
  • The address is made up or does not exist.
  • There are unnatural Japanese expressions on the site or in the email after ordering.
  • There is no “Specified Commercial Transactions Law-based Statement”.

If, by any chance, you become a victim of fraud, please consult with your local police station.

We cannot be held responsible for any losses or damages incurred by customers as a result of using counterfeit products or fraudulent websites on these shopping sites.
However, we are taking various measures, including civil, criminal and administrative legal action, to protect our customers from the damage caused by illegal counterfeit products and fraudulent websites, and to ensure that our customers can use our products with peace of mind.

We would also like to ask our customers to be careful.